This morning started bright and sunny but deteriorated as time went on into a duller, overcast day. Perhaps the inclement weather that had been threatening was about to hit us! Despite this we again packed all our gear and headed up to the Falzarego Pass with Amy and Seb. It is quite a climb in the bus - 2105m - and the air was cool and crisp when we stepped out.

As we rounded one of the corners, we came across the ruins of the old hospital of the 5th Alpini Brigade.
remains of the old hospital of the 5th Alpini Brigade
Our walk took us up a very steep section through lightly wooded areas until we reached a ridge from which we could see where the Italians had their camp during the first world war and where the Austrians - on whom they fired - had theirs across the valley. From June 1915 until October 1917 the Italians and the Austrians fought among the mountains of the Dolomites, with the most intense period between September and November 1917. The fighting in this area involved both sides trying to break a stalemate by tunnelling and mining the enemy positions. This was done in the biting cold and required the hand chiselling of rock in many cases. It is estimated that 60,000 soldiers were killed by avalanches. As we wound our way along the ridge we had great views to the Italian side of the valley.
As we rounded one of the corners, we came across the ruins of the old hospital of the 5th Alpini Brigade.
This proved to be a great lunch spot.
Following lunch, we headed back down to the pass, travelling through more wooded areas and negotiating the many exposed roots that prevent against erosion.
We headed back to Corvara on the bus, stopping in the village for a hot chocolate and cake at the place recommended by the guides.
After a wander around the village, exploring the few shops, we headed back to the pensione.
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