Sunday, 9 October 2016

Caldas de Reis to Padròn

We headed out this morning knowing that there would be limited opportunities for toilet/coffee stops but looking forward to a day that was mostly woodland and small country lanes.  We headed out past the warm public spring where the hot water could soothe the tired feet of the walkers and through the old part of town - now deserted, unlike the bustle of the night before.

The woodland walking lived up to expectation as we passed through the Bermuda river valley, at one stage coming across a lovely example of 'sand art'.

Again we passed through a mainly rural area and marvelled at the range of fruit and vegetables that were grown.  Many of the residences had an hórreo and again we marvelled at the different styles.  While many of the hórreos we have seen during the walk were in disrepair, there were still many that were in use and relatively new looking.  They were sometimes all stone, but often a mix of stone an wood.

We were puzzled as to why so many of the crops had not been harvested and left to the elements and could not work out why.  However there was more than enough that was looked very healthy.  A stop for a picnic lunch by the Rio Valga kept our energy levels up.

We reached Pontecesures and the look-out point that had been described and which provided some lovely views of the river valley.  Unfortunately one of the vistas was marred by an enormous factory belching smoke.  We believe it was a Nestlé factory making condensed milk.
We headed down to Padròn, crossing under the main road through some stone arches.

Now began our long, hot trudge through the industrial area of Padròn and then a detour of 1.2kms from the way marked route to our hotel.  This took us to our accommodation which was opposite a railway station with commuter trains to Santiago de Compostela and the relevant announcements of said trains.

The city centre was about 15 minutes away and there was not a lot to visit in the immediate location.  However, after a shower, some of us wandered next door to the Rosalia Museum - choosing to visit the gardens rather than the museum.
We looked forward to seeing at least some of the old town as we headed out the following morning.

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